L8. Tawfiqiya Market Passageway
Superblock: L. Al-Tawfiqiya Superblock
Genealogy: Informally pedestrianized
Morphology: 2 Entrances - straight perpendicular
Area: 2942m2

Al-Tawfiqiya Market Passageway is the main artery of this superblock, connecting Ramsis Street with ‘Urabi Street, and housing al-Tawfiqiya fruit and vegetable market. Since the formation of al-Tawfiqiya market, vehicular access in this block has been limited, and the streets have been converted into pedestrian passageways. The informal shops on passageway L8 are predominantly fruit and vegetable stalls. However at the tail end of the street, some of these vendors have shifted their business to selling car accessories. 


Since this street is no longer a vehicular thoroughfare, pedestrians walk on the asphalt road, while the footpaths have been taken over by the shops as display spaces. The pedestrian traffic is well defined between the footpath and the informal market kiosks by steel plates, lining the street surface for easy walking. The space between the market kiosks and the footpath is around 4 meters; just enough for cars to enter and service the shops.